My Grocery Book

Simple Reactjs AutoComplete using Typehead’s Bloodhound

I wanted to add autocomplete to the shopping list, hopefully making it easier to build them. Using Reactjs made it very difficult to use out of the box autocompletes like typeahead and jquery ui autocomplete because Reactjs uses a virtual dom. Another requirement I wanted was to display the suggestions above the input making it a… Continue reading Simple Reactjs AutoComplete using Typehead’s Bloodhound

My Grocery Book

Building a component library

When working with a team of frontend developers/designers or working by yourself, having a components list of what css is available to you can be a real time saver. I don’t know how much longer I would have taken without bootstraps components. There is a small rails gem (component_library)[] that allows you to build your… Continue reading Building a component library

My Grocery Book

Writing jasmine test for reactjs components on Ruby on Rails

Now that I have manage to write a few components using reactjs/rails and I feel I understand the basics of reactjs, I wanted to be able to write tests for my components. I looked into using jasmine-rails for testing my components. Installing it was as simple as following the Gems README. You will need PhantomJS… Continue reading Writing jasmine test for reactjs components on Ruby on Rails

My Grocery Book

Acceptance testing multiple sessions/actors using capybara

I recently wanted to add functionality that would allow multiple shoppers to work on the same Price Book. I wanted to write my feature spec in such a way that it was obvious that there were multiple actors and it allowed me to easily capture common logic like signing in. I wanted to use 2… Continue reading Acceptance testing multiple sessions/actors using capybara